North Dakota issues construction permit for Cerilon’s proposed GTL complex
Cerilon Inc., Calgary, has received a permit from the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Air Quality to construct Cerilon GTL North Dakota.
Cerilon plans to build a gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant near Williston, ND, that will transform natural gas into high-performance synthetic products including Group III+ base oils, ultra-low sulphur diesel, and naphtha (OGJ Online, Oct. 1, 2024).
The proposed project would be the first large-scale, natural gas-fed GTL plant in North America, Cerilon said in a release Dec. 10. The plant is expected to also feature carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), making the nominally 24,000 b/d plant the first of its kind in the world. A second GTL plant of a similar size is planned for the same site, the company said.
Issuance of the Permit to Construct follows an extensive application review, solicitation of public comment, and a public hearing held in Williston in November 2024, Cerilon said.
"This permit is significant because it means our facility's proposed design has met the State's high standards regarding managing air quality in industrial development," said Ron Opperman, Cerilon GTL chief executive officer.
"We share these same high standards and will minimize the impacts on both the community and environment while creating a reliable, efficient source of energy for decades to come."
The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality thoroughly reviewed the company's permit application against applicable state and federal rules, standards and provisions. This included confirming compliance with both the North Dakota and Federal Ambient Air Quality Standards.