PetroKazakhstan exploration finds more oil in South Turgai basin
PetroKazakhstan Inc., Calgary, reported several exploration successes on its blocks in the South Turgai basin of central Kazakhstan.
Analysis of 3D seismic data led to discovery of oil in Jurassic channel sands below Aryskum field on the Aryskum license (see map). The first well, Aryskum-401, a former gas injection well deepened to 1,062 m, cut 6.5 m of net pay and produced 1,320 b/d of oil.
Aryskum-402, located to test the same channel sand, tested 1,600 b/d from 4 m of net pay.
Aryskum-403, drilled to 1,159 m, yielded 1,040 b/d from 21 m of net pay in a separate channel sand. A fourth well cut 6 m of net reservoir and flowed gas on test, and a fifth well cut 12 m of net pay with oil shows and was under test. Another appraisal well was to be drilled in January.
PetroKazakhstan drilled five wells, all of which encountered hydrocarbons, on the Kolzhan license it acquired in the first quarter of 2004 north of Kyzylkiya field.
KYZ-32, drilled to 1,664 m, cut 8 m of net pay and produced 420 b/d of oil after frac. KYZ-38 went to 1,553 m, cut 5 m of net pay, and swabbed 345 b/d after frac.
The wells are 3.5 km and 5 km, respectively, from the successful KYZ-34, on the boundary between Kyzylkiya field and the Kolzhan license.
The company plans aggressive appraisal in 2005.
An exploration well on the Akshabulak license yielded 1,620 b/d of oil from a new channel sand.
PetroKazakhstan became operator of the Doshan and Zhamansu blocks in 2004 with 75% equity interest. It acquired 714 km of 2D seismic data on the blocks, which total more than 1 million acres.
The D-10 well on the Doshan block, south of Aryskum field, went to 2,350 m. Reservoir thickness totaled 190 m, and oil and gas zones were recorded while drilling but were interpreted as being wet. Two more exploration wells are planned in 2005.
Of four wells drilled on the Zhamansu block in an unexplored area southeast of PetroKazakhstan's main fields, two wells were dry and two encountered hydrocarbon sands but did not produce at commercial rates. The company will evaluate 32 more leads and prospects.
Exploration on the 1.9 million acre Karaganda license north of the main fields will start with the acquisition of 400 km of 2D seismic data this year.
The company reported 490 million bbl of proved and probable reserves at Jan. 1, 2004 (see table), and the number grows to 725 million when the possible category is added. It told analysts in late 2004 that it has identified 930 million bbl of recovery potential.