Statoil ASA has let a contract to Kvaerner ASA’s Verdal yard for two steel drilling platform jackets in Johan Sverdrup field offshore Norway, 155 km west of Stavanger. The first jacket, weighing 22,500 tonnes, will be delivered and installed in spring 2018.
Statoil did not release the value of the jacket contract. It is one of several contracts this year that the company has valued at more than 43 billion kroner (OGJ Online, July 7, 2015).
The company says its development investment for the first phase of Johan Sverdrup will be about 117 billion kroner with recoverable resources of 1.4-2.4 billion boe. Statoil says more contracts will be awarded before yearend.
The Johan Sverdrup partnership includes Statoil, Lundin Norway AS, ASA Petoro, Det Norske Oljeselkap ASA, and Maersk Oil. The partners have chosen Statoil as operator in all phases of the field’s development (OGJ Online, Dec. 1, 2014).