StatoilHydro Angola conducted an assay of the Mondo crude, which is part of the Kizomba C development that started production in January 2008, off Angola.
ExxonMobil Corp. unit Esso Exploration Angola Ltd., the field’s operator, started oil production from the Kizomba C development on Block 15, about 90 miles off Angola (Fig. 1). Kizomba C, which is designed to develop 600 million bbl of oil from the Mondo, Saxi, and Batuque fields, lies in 2,400 ft of water (OGJ, Jan. 21, 2008, p. 8). The Kizomba C development has come on stream with Mondo field; Saxi and Batuque fields are expected to come on stream later in 2008.
Mondo is expected to plateau at a peak production rate of 100,000 b/d. Plateau production from all three fields is expected to reach a total 200,000 b/d. Mondo is a medium gravity, moderate acidity, and sweet crude, according to BP Exploration (Angola) Ltd.
Esso Angola serves as operator of Block 15, holding 40% interest. Its other block partners are BP 26.67%, Eni Angola Exploration BV 20%, and StatoilHydro Angola 13.33%.
Fig. 2 shows a true boiling point (TBP) curve for the whole crude. These data are from StatoilHydro.
Whole crude
Gravity, °API: 30.29
Specific gravity: 0.8746
Pour point, °F.: 1
Neutralization number (TAN), mg KOH/g: 0.773
Sulfur, wt %: 0.3873
Viscosity at 20° C., cst: 21.46
Viscosity at 40° C., cst: 10.44
Viscosity at 50° C., cst: 7.8
Viscosity at 100° C., cst: 2.81
Viscosity at 150° C., cst: 1.53
Mercaptan sulfur, ppm: 3.3
Nitrogen, ppm: 2,657.6
Conradson carbon residue, wt %: 5.3
Nickel, ppm: 24.6
Vanadium, ppm: 6.9
rvp, psi: 3.9
Heat of combustion (gross), btu/lb: 19,277
Heat of combustion (net), btu/lb: 18,084
Hydrogen sulfide, ppm: 0.3
Salt, lb/1,000 bbl: 35
Cetane index (D4737): 27
Butane, lighter
TBP cut point, °F.: ≤60
Yield, vol %: 1.8
Gravity, °API: 120.7
Specific gravity: 0.5611
Carbon, wt %: 82.45
Hydrogen, wt %: 17.55
Viscosity at 20° C., cst: 0.4
Viscosity at 40° C., cst: 0.34
Viscosity at 50° C., cst: 0.32
Viscosity at 100° C., cst: 0.24
Viscosity at 150° C., cst: 0.19
Heat of combustion (net), btu/lb: 19,265
Paraffins, vol %: 100
Naphthenes, vol %: 0
Cetane index (D4737): 144
Light naphtha
TBP cut point, °F.: 60-165
Yield, vol %: 5.26
Gravity, °API: 83.46
Specific gravity: 0.6583
Carbon, wt %: 83.82
Hydrogen, wt %: 16.18
Viscosity at 20° C., cst: 0.45
Viscosity at 40° C., cst: 0.38
Viscosity at 50° C., cst: 0.36
Viscosity at 100° C., cst: 0.26
Viscosity at 150° C., cst: 0.2
Heat of combustion (net), btu/lb: 18,870
Paraffins, vol %: 85
Naphthenes, vol %: 14.48
Cetane index (D4737): 49
Heavy naphtha
TBP cut point, °F.: 165-330
Yield, vol %: 14.74
Gravity, °API: 55.4
Specific gravity: 0.7571
Carbon, wt %: 85.6
Hydrogen, wt %: 14.4
Sulfur, wt %: 0.0056
Viscosity at 20° C., cst: 0.77
Viscosity at 40° C., cst: 0.63
Viscosity at 50° C., cst: 0.57
Viscosity at 100° C., cst: 0.39
Viscosity at 150° C., cst: 0.29
Mercaptan sulfur, ppm: 0.7
Heat of combustion (net), btu/lb: 18,624
Paraffins, vol %: 47.07
Naphthenes, vol %: 41.9
Aromatics, vol %: 10.39
Cetane index (D4737): 31
TBP cut point, °F.: 330-480
Yield, vol %: 13.95
Gravity, °API: 42.02
Specific gravity: 0.8155
Carbon, wt %: 86.17
Hydrogen, wt %: 13.78
Pour point, °F.: -81
Sulfur, wt %: 0.0391
Viscosity at 20° C., cst: 1.92
Viscosity at 40° C., cst: 1.39
Viscosity at 50° C., cst: 1.21
Viscosity at 100° C., cst: 0.72
Viscosity at 150° C., cst: 0.49
Mercaptan sulfur, ppm: 0.9
Nitrogen, ppm: 2.3
Heat of combustion (net), btu/lb: 18,551
Paraffins, vol %: 32.53
Naphthenes, vol %: 52.25
Aromatics, vol %: 14.2
Freeze point, °F.: -57.3
Smoke point, mm: 19.5
Naphthalenes, vol %: 4
Cetane index (D4737): 41
Cloud point, °F.: -68
Aniline point, °F.: 138.9
TBP cut point, °F.: 480-650
Yield, vol %: 16.47
Gravity, °API: 32.1
Specific gravity: 0.8649
Carbon, wt %: 86.61
Hydrogen, wt %: 13.31
Pour point, °F.: 13
Neutralization number (TAN), mg KOH/g: 0.899
Sulfur, wt %: 0.2019
Viscosity at 20° C., cst: 8.21
Viscosity at 40° C., cst: 4.5
Viscosity at 50° C., cst: 3.53
Viscosity at 100° C., cst: 1.53
Viscosity at 150° C., cst: 0.91
Nitrogen, ppm: 109.1
Paraffins, vol %: 33.84
Naphthenes, vol %: 42.85
Freeze point, °F.: 12.4
Cetane index (D4737): 50
Cloud point, °F.: 2
Aniline point, °F.: 157.1
Vacuum gas oil
TBP cut point, °F.: 650-1,000
Yield, vol %: 27.17
Gravity, °API: 22.02
Specific gravity: 0.9217
Carbon, wt %: 86.88
Hydrogen, wt %: 12.5
Pour point, °F.: 76
Neutralization number (TAN), mg KOH/g: 0.669
Sulfur, wt %: 0.4584
Viscosity at 20° C., cst: 281.45
Viscosity at 40° C., cst: 74.78
Viscosity at 50° C., cst: 44.43
Viscosity at 100° C., cst: 7.81
Viscosity at 150° C., cst: 3
Nitrogen, ppm: 1,231.2
Conradson carbon residue, wt %: 0.36
Nickel, ppm: 0.1
Paraffins, vol %: 16.91
Naphthenes, vol %: 41.06
Cetane index (D4737): 50
Aniline point, °F.: 181.1
Vacuum residue
TBP cut point, °F.: 1,000+
Yield, vol %: 20.61
Gravity, °API: 7.1
Specific gravity: 1.0209
Pour point, °F.: 145
Neutralization number (TAN), mg KOH/g: 0.951
Sulfur, wt %: 0.8937
Viscosity at 20° C., cst: 1,600,070,334
Viscosity at 40° C., cst: 18,740,139.05
Viscosity at 50° C., cst: 3,169,757.61
Viscosity at 100° C., cst: 7,770.81
Viscosity at 150° C., cst: 303.97
Nitrogen, ppm: 9,065.8
Conradson carbon residue, wt %: 21.45
n-Heptane insolubles, wt %: 7.5
Nickel, ppm: 99.8
Vanadium, ppm: 26.9
Cetane index (D4737): 28