Occidental puts high-rate well on production in Block 65, Oman

Aug. 7, 2023
Occidental Petroleum produced 6,000 boe/d in a near-field exploration well production test in Block 65, Oman, the company said in its second-quarter 2023 earnings call.

Occidental Petroleum produced 6,000 boe/d in a near-field exploration well production test in Block 65, Oman, the company said in its second-quarter 2023 earnings call.

The well delivered the highest production test in Oman in the past decade and is now on production, the company said following its earnings report Aug. 4 (OGJ Online, Aug. 4, 2023).

Block 65 is a 1,230-sq km area in the interior of Oman. Occidental's major operations in Oman are in the north, primarily in Safah and Wadi Latham fields in Block 9, Khamilah field in Block 27, and Block 62. It also operates in south-central Oman in Block 53 at Mukhaizna field, the largest producing oil field in the country. In 2018 Occidental was awarded Blocks 51 and 65.

Block 65 is operated through a joint venture of Oxy Oman and Oman Oil Co. Exploration and Production (OOCEP). 

About the Author

Alex Procyk | Upstream Editor

Alex Procyk is Upstream Editor at Oil & Gas Journal. He has also served as a principal technical professional at Halliburton and as a completion engineer at ConocoPhillips. He holds a BS in chemistry (1987) from Kent State University and a PhD in chemistry (1992) from Carnegie Mellon University. He is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).