Trident Equatorial Guinea delivers subsea infill well
Trident Equatorial Guinea Inc. delivered its first subsea infill well at Ceiba field in Block G in the Gulf of Guinea. A second well at the Okume complex in the block is expected online soon.
Well C-45 was drilled with the Noble Venturer drill ship in 800 m of water to a total depth of 3,148 m, encountering 142 m of high-quality, oil-saturated reservoir sands in an un-swept zone of Ceiba field, in line with expectations, the company said in a Nov. 1 release.
The well came online Oct. 15 and has a current rate of more than 5,000 b/d, as per pre-drill expectations. Production ramp-up is expected.
The second infill well, OF-19, was drilled in the Okume complex in 450 m of water to a depth of 2,195 m. The company expects the well to be online soon.
Block G, Gulf of Guinea
Ceiba field contains a series of stacked deep-water channel complexes which sit within a NE-SW trending belt of salt-cored structural highs, interpreted as base-of-slope compressional features (toe-thrust). Following its discovery in 1999, drill stem tests flowed rates up to 12,400 bo/d of 28°API oil from high-quality late Cretaceous sands.
The Okume complex is comprised of five producing oil fields: Okume, Elon, Oveng, Akom North, and Ebano. The fields are a series of stratigraphically trapped deep water channel-levee complexes confined within the Elon and Okume canyons.
The main reservoir sandstone packages were formed within the confines of the submarine canyons during the Coniacian-to-Campanian era, and the reservoirs are of very high quality with average porosities of around 26% and average permeabilities measured in darcies. Peak oil production of 81,000 bo/d was achieved in 2010 and to date the Okume complex has produced about 205 million bbl.
Following conclusion of the OF-19 infill well, the Noble Venturer drill ship will move to drill the Kosmos Energy-operated Akeng Deep exploration (ILX) well in Block S where Trident Energy holds a 34% participating interest.
Trident Equatorial Guinea is operator of Block G producing fields (40%) with partners Panoro, Kosmos Energy, and GEPetrol. Kosmos operates surrounding exploration acreage Block S, Block W, and Block EG-21.

Alex Procyk | Upstream Editor
Alex Procyk is Upstream Editor at Oil & Gas Journal. He has also served as a principal technical professional at Halliburton and as a completion engineer at ConocoPhillips. He holds a BS in chemistry (1987) from Kent State University and a PhD in chemistry (1992) from Carnegie Mellon University. He is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).