Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. (ReconAfrica) will spud the Prospect I well in the Damara Fold Belt in PEL 73, onshore Namibia, during second quarter 2025.
In-country teams have started community engagement, surveying, debushing, and demining activities, which will be followed by construction of a 10-km road and drill pad site.
Prospect I is one of the largest mapped structures in the Damara Fold Belt, is well imaged from 2D seismic, and demonstrates a four-way dip closure in which ReconAfrica expects to penetrate over 1,500 m of Otavi reservoir.
Drilling at the Prospect I location has been significantly derisked by the results of Naingopo, the company’s first Damara Fold Belt well, which encountered reservoir in the Otavi carbonates, hydrocarbon shows, and oil to surface (OGJ Online, Jan. 31, 2025).
Prospect I is targeting 365 MMbbl of unrisked and 32 MMbbl of risked prospective light-medium oil resources, or 1.7 tcf of unrisked and 126 bcf of risked prospective natural gas resources.
PEL 073 covers about 25,341 sq km in Kavango and Owambo basins in Northeast Namibia.
ReconAfrica is operator (70%) with partners BW Energy Ltd. (20%) and NAMCOR (10%).