Petrobras, Halliburton let contracts for subsea production systems off Brazil
By the OGJ Online Staff
HOUSTON, Mar. 8 -- Petroleo Brasiliero SA and Halliburton KBR let contracts totaling $16 million to FMC Technologies Inc., Houston, for the supply of subsea production solutions for fields in the Campos basin off Brazil.
Petrobras's contract calls for the supply of 11 subsea guidelineless trees, which will be installed in the Brazilian state oil firm's Roncador and Albacora Leste (East) fields. The trees, which are rated to water depths of 2,000 m, are slated for delivery in early 2003.
Petrobras last year let an $18 million contract to FMC Technologies to supply water injection manifolds, two subsea trees, and associated controls (OGJ, Oct. 22, 2001, p. 8).
Petrobras and partner Repsol-YPF SA will invest $1.7 billion to develop the field (OGJ Online, May 25, 2001). In 2003, the partners expect production of 34,000 b/d of crude and 400,000 cu m/day of gas, expandable to 180,000 b/d and 2.25 million cu m/day by 2009.
Halliburton's contract is for the supply of a pipeline end manifold and a pipeline end termination for use in Barracuda and Caratinga fields. Halliburton expects delivery later this year.
Under a contract with Petrobras, Halliburton's Brown & Root Energy Services and Halliburton Energy Services business units, together with Petrobras's exploration and production unit, are developing the Barracuda-Caratinga fields (OGJ, Sept. 11, 2000, p. 88 ). Petrobras will operate the fields and lease the facilities for 10 years, but the Halliburton units will undertake the bulk of the development work.
Petrobras expects combined production from Barracuda-Caratinga to reach 247,000 b/d of oil and 3.4 million cu m/day of natural gas by 2004-05.
Separately, FMC CBV, FMC's Brazil-based subsea business, recently delivered the gas lift subsea manifold for Roncador field.
Installation of this 180-ton manifold—slated to take place in late March—is expected to set a world record for manifold installation water depth at 1,892 m, FMC said.
Petrobras is resuming development of Roncador field, off Rio de Janeiro state, with installation of an advanced production system in the same area where its P-36 semisubmersible platform sank last year (OGJ Apr. 2, 2001, p. 32)