Well database access extended to desktop customers
A new component of the Enerdeq platform gives ESRI ArcMap users direct access to up-to-date well and production databases for the US.
With Enerdeq ArcMap Extension, a user’s ArcMap desktop view is expanded to include the Enerdeq menu for instant reports, graphs, and queries of well details such as scout ticket information and production volumes. Using spatial layers together with your own proprietary data, ArcMap users can delve into richer details using proximity searches and other integrated GIS analyses. The result is a single desktop tool that streamlines typical oil and gas work flows and enhances the use of ArcMap for specific decision support scenarios:
A geologist, for example, can use a map layer of 3D seismic survey outlines to collect specific wells spatially and then view detailed reports of each well within the survey areas to determine average total drilled depths.
Also, a gas project team could query all wells within a certain distance of roads, pipelines, and pooling points for an integrated view of total current production, allowing consideration of “what if” options for getting new gas to market.
Source: IHS, 5333 Westheimer Rd., Suite 100, Houston, TX 77056.
New drilling bits help optimize performance
The new integrated dynamic engineering analysis system (IDEAS) of roller cone and fixed cutter bits works synergistically with the drilling system.
IDEAS recognizes the impact of the drillstring and its components on bit performance and takes into account the specific parameters of the entire drilling assembly in a given application.
IDEAS bits go from concept to field proved performance faster than bits developed using traditional design regimens, the firm says.
Since the process uses a simulation model that predicts real-world behavior of the bit accurately, testing of the new design is done in a virtual environment instead of the time consuming, multiple field trial iterations associated with traditional bit design, the firm points out.
Bits are dynamically stable within the operating and application envelopes for which they are designed
Stability contributes to longer bit life, faster penetration rates, and increased reliability for downhole electronics, the firm notes.
Source: Smith Bits, Box 60068, Houston, TX 77032.