Talos Energy Inc. has spudded its Zama-2 appraisal well Nov. 29, beginning the Zama discovery appraisal program, which will consist of three reservoir penetrations, including two wells and one sidetrack. The Zama discovery was made on Block 7 about 37 miles offshore Port of Dos Bocas, Mexico (OGJ Online, July 12, 2017). Mexico’s oil and gas regulator National Hydrocarbons Commission approved the program in September (OGJ Online, Sept. 28, 2018).
The first well, Zama-2, will be drilled to the north of the Zama discovery well on Block 7 in the shallow-water Sureste basin and will look to confirm the oil-water contact and collect information to better understand the reservoir's aquifer support. It will be deepened by 500 m to test an exploration prospect called Marte and followed by an updip vertical sidetrack from the main bore hole that will be cored and a drillstem test performed in second-quarter 2019.
The second well, Zama-3, will be drilled south of the original discovery well to help delineate reservoir continuity and quality in the southern part of the field and will be cored to be better understand the reservoir geology.
The Ensco 8503 rig is contracted for the appraisal program. A concept and engineering services contract was let to McDermott International Inc. (OGJ Online, Nov. 15, 2018). Talos said it is working with several local Mexican suppliers who support the operations with services including shore base support, casing supply, anchor handling, helicopters, and communications, amongst others.
The appraisal program is expected to be complete by midyear 2019 with the goal to achieve initial production in 2022.
Block 7 interests are held by operator Talos 35%, Sierra Oil & Gas 40%, and Premier Oil PLC 25%.