Occidental Chemical Corp. (OxyChem) and Mexichem SAB de CV (Mexichem)
have commissioned their 50-50 joint venture Ingleside Ethylene LLC’s
1.2 billion-lb/year ethylene complex at Ingleside, Tex.
Currently in a production stabilization phase, the OxyChem-operated ethane cracker reached startup on Feb. 27, the companies said.
Due to reach full production rates by the quarter’s end, the cracker will process ethane feedstocks from US shale gas to supply OxyChem with an ongoing source of ethylene for manufacturing vinyl chloride monomer, which Mexichem will use to produce polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin and PVC piping systems under an existing 20-year supply agreement.
Alongside the cracker, the $1.5-billion project also includes an associated pipeline and storage complex Markham, Tex. (OGJ Online, June 30, 2015).