Santos basin presalt Carcara oil discovery confirmed
A group led by Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) has confirmed the continuity of an ultradeepwater oil discovery on the BM-S-8 block in the Santos basin presalt area offshore Brazil.
Petrobras said the 4-SPS-86B (4-BRSA-971-SPS) well testing the Carcara prospect has been drilled to 5,926 m and that the company recovered samples of 32° gravity oil from reservoirs as deep as 5,910 m, confirming the continuity of the discovery reported on Mar. 20.
The well has proved a continuous oil column of 171 m so far in reservoirs of excellent quality and is still in the oil zone. It is being deepened to determine the lower limit of the reservoirs and the total thickness of the zones of interest. The well is 232 km off Sao Paulo state in 2,027 m of water.
Petrobras is the operator with 66% interest in partnership with Petrogal Brasil 14%, Barra Energia do Brasil Petroleo e Gas Ltda. 10%, and Queiroz Galvao Exploracao e Producao SA 10%.

Alan Petzet | Chief Editor Exploration
Alan Petzet is Chief Editor-Exploration of Oil & Gas Journal in Houston. He is editor of the Weekly E&D Newsletter, emailed to OGJ subscribers, and a regular contributor to the OGJ Online subscriber website.
Petzet joined OGJ in 1981 after 13 years in the Tulsa World business-oil department. He was named OGJ Exploration Editor in 1990. A native of Tulsa, he has a BA in journalism from the University of Tulsa.