Williams awards Horizon Offshore Gulf of Mexico pipeline contract
Oct. 22, 2002
Williams Oil Gathering LLC has awarded a contract to Horizon Offshore Inc. subsidiary Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc. to install 49.96 miles of 20-in. oil pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico.
By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, Oct. 22 -- Williams Oil Gathering LLC has awarded a contract to Horizon Offshore Inc. subsidiary Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc. to install 49.96 miles of 20-in. oil pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico for the Mountaineer shallow water pipeline system, which is part of the Devils Tower project Williams is constructing.
Horizon will employ its Lone Star Horizon pipelay barge and Pecos Horizon lay-bury barge for this project, which will be installed in water 8-270 ft deep.
Installation is expected to commence during the fourth quarter, with completion scheduled for first quarter 2003.