Erin Energy expects Oyo-9 well off Nigeria to double company output
June 12, 2017
Erin Energy Corp., Houston, plans to begin drilling the Oyo-9 development offshore Nigeria next month and finish by yearend, pursuant to its contract with Pacific Drilling SA.
Oyo-9, on oil mining lease 120, has the potential to increase Oyo field production by 6,000-7,000 b/d of oil, which alone would double the company’s current output.
Coinciding with the completion of Oyo-9, Erin Energy will tie back the Oyo-7 well to the 40,000-b/d Armada Perdana floating production, storage, and offloading vessel, adding 1,200 b/d of output.
The company also is discussing a possible extension to the contract with Pacific Drilling for the Pacific Bora, a sixth generation double-hulled drillship, depending on availability of funds, to drill 1-2 wells in the prolific Miocene geological zone in OML 120.
Erin Energy has 100% interest in OMLs 120 and 121.