ADNOC opens Shah sour gas plant

April 26, 2016
Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) subsidiary Abu Dhabi Gas Development Co. (Al Hosn Gas) and joint-venture partner Occidental Petroleum Corp. have formally commissioned the Al Hosn Sour Gas Development Project (SGDP) at Shah sour gas-condensate onshore field, southwest of Abu Dhabi City, UAE.

Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) subsidiary Abu Dhabi Gas Development Co. (Al Hosn Gas) and joint-venture partner Occidental Petroleum Corp. have formally commissioned the Al Hosn Sour Gas Development Project (SGDP) at Shah sour gas-condensate onshore field, southwest of Abu Dhabi City, UAE (OGJ Online, Jan. 30, 2015; July 9, 2008).

Officially inaugurated on Apr. 26, the Shah gas plant is the first project to produce and safely process more than 1 bcfd of ultra-sour gas from a single plant, ADNOC said.

Part of ADNOC’s plan to maximize the value of Abu Dhabi’s gas resources to help meet growing demand both within UAE and abroad, the $10 billion Al Hosn SGDP will produce 504 MMcfd of natural gas, 33,000 b/d of condensates, 4,400 tonnes/day of NGLs, and 9,900 tonnes/day of sulfur granules, the company said.

Comprised of two gas processing trains and four sulfur recovery units, the Shah gas plant initially reached its full 1-bcfd processing capacity in July 2015 to produce 500 MMcfd of sales gas, Saif Ahmed Alghfeli, chief executive officer of Al Hosn Gas, said in a September 2015 update on the project.

During 2015, the Shah plant produced 2 million tonnes of sulfur, which ADNOC said it expects will rise to 3.2 million tonnes for 2016.

ADNOC holds a 60% interest in Al Hosn SGDP alongside Oxy with 40%.

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