Flow due from Nooros appraisal in Egypt
Eni SPA expects production to start by the end of November from the Nidoco Northwest 3 appraisal well in the Nile Delta of Egypt, where the Nidoco Northwest 2 Dir discovery of July is producing 15,000 boe/d of natural gas and condensate (OGJ Online, July 20, 2015).
Both wells were drilled directionally from onshore locations to offshore targets on the Nooros prospect in the Abu Madi West license. They’ll produce at a combined rate of 30,000 boe/d by yearend and reach a plateau rate of 70,000 boe/d in the first half next year, Eni said.
Gas and condensate flow to the Abu Madi gas treatment plant about 25 km from the discovery.
The appraisal well encountered 65 m of pay in Messianian sandstone.
Eni plans three further exploratory wells on the license, in which Eni holds a 75% interest through its IEOC subsidiary. BP holds 25%. The operator is Petrobel, owned equally by IEOC and state-owned Egyptian General Petroleum Corp. (EGPC).
In the Western Desert, meanwhile, production has reached 12,000 b/d of light oil from Melehia West Deep field, a January discovery, Eni said (OGJ Online, Jan. 22, 2015).
The company expects output to reach 15,000 b/d after start-up of a gas treatment plant by the end of November.
IEOC holds a 100% interest in the Melehia Deep license and a 76% stake in the Melehia license, in which Lukoil holds the other 24%. The operator is Agiba, a joint venture of IEOC and EGPC.