Statoil Brazil, on behalf of its partners in the Peregrino field license, has let a contract to Wood Group to provide 4-year operations and maintenance for the Alpha and Bravo wellhead platforms as well as modification services for both units and the Peregrino floating production, storage, and offloading vessel.
Peregrino field lies 85 km offshore Brazil in the Campos basin in 100 m of water in the BMC-7 and BMC-47 licenses. Statoil holds 60% ownership and operates the field; Sinochem holds the remaining interest. Earlier this year, the companies submitted a plan of development for the $3.5-billion second phase of the field to Brazil’s National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (OGJ Online, Feb. 27, 2015).
The field, which is Statoil’s first and largest operatorship outside the Norwegian Continental Shelf, started production on April 2011 and produces about 90,000 b/d of oil. Peregrino has produced more than 90 million bbl of oil since start of production (OGJ Online, Apr. 11, 2011).