Petrobras confirms Carcara light oil potential in Santos basin
May 29, 2015
Petroleo Brasilierio SA (Petrobras) found a 352-m oil column of 31º gravity in continuous and connected reservoirs while drilling the second well in the Carcara area on Block BM-S-8 in the ultradeep waters of the presalt Santos basin.
Well 3-SPS-105, also known as Carcara North, is 4.6 km north of discovery well 4-SPS-86B in 2,072 m of water. The reservoirs are situated just below the salt layer from a depth of 5,820 m. Pressure data show the column is the same accumulation as the discovery well, Petrobras says.
The company will assess the productivity of the reservoirs after drilling concludes. Well 3-SPS-104DA, also known as 3-BRSA-1216DA-SPS and Carcara Northwest, is scheduled to be drilled this year, advancing the company’s discovery evaluation plan (PAD).
Petrobras in 2012 encountered 400 m of continuous oil pay at the Carcara discovery well (OGJ Online, Aug. 15, 2012). That followed the confirmation of the discovery’s continuity (OGJ Online, June 1, 2012). The Carcara PAD, approved by Brazil’s National Petroleum Agency, is expected to conclude in March 2018.
Petrobras operates Carcara North with 66% stake. Partners are Petrogal Brasil SA 14%, Barra Energia do Brasil Petroleo e Gas 10%, and Queiroz Galvao Exploracao e Producao SA 10%.