Woodside Petroleum Ltd. has let a contract to Wood Group Kenny for the front-end engineering and design for the flowline system and associated procurement support for its Greater Western Flank Phase 2 (GWF2) development on the North West Shelf.
GWF2 is the next phase of gas supply to the existing NWS project infrastructure after the Persephone project.
GWF2 includes development of Keast, Dockrell, Sculptor, Rankin, Lady Nora, and Pemperton fields.
The contract follows successful completion of the preliminary engineering of the GWF2 rigid flowline basis of design phase.
Scope of work for the new Wood Group Kenny award includes engineering and procurement support services for the 16-in. GWF2 corrosion-resistant alloy rigid flowline system, flowline end termination structures, inline tee assembly structures, midconnection structure, and subsea tie-in spools.
The primary engineering focus of the FEED program is to develop the flowline system prior to final investment decision during this year’s second half.